How a Culture of Accountability Impacts Solution Delivery

Recently I have been thinking about how leadership and culture plays an essential role in our ability to deliver quality solutions.  More importantly how accountability will have a direct impact on our ability to help team members stay engaged and empowered to produce positive results.

There are different accountability chains based on the alignment of project resources.  Specifically, when you look at matrix project reporting structures vs functional project reporting structures you will have different layers of accountability.  The type of project organization structure has a direct impact on the project leader’s ability to influence or drive accountability.

When you do not have a culture of accountability in your organization you will have some of these resultative behaviors:

  1. Morale issues – top performers tend to disengage.
  2. Siloed behavior – you will hear “well my resource manager told me to do this” specifically observed in a matrix organizational structure.
  3. Rescuer behavior – because the person believes they must make up for others not performing their respective roles on the project.
  4. Active disengagement – because the team do not feel empowered to hold each other accountable for results.

From my experience on leading projects in both matrix and functional project structures I have found that it is critical that the project and program leader focus on these key qualities to embed accountability in your solution delivery practices.  This is not an all-inclusive list but rather some key focus areas to drive:

  1. Goal setting – set clear expectations up front and inform the team how they have influence in the team’s ability to be successful by clearly defining what success means.
  2. Empowerment – reinforce with your team that there will be mistakes, and if we as a team own our mistakes, learn from them we will move on and be better for it. This safe environment approach will help your team members embrace their empowerment.
  3. Process adherence – with clearly defined delivery processes established the team have a roadmap on how the overall solution will be delivered.
  4. Encourage continuous improvement – as a leader you need to encourage the team to bring their thoughts and ideas on how to enhance or change processes for better outcomes moving forward.
  5. Team accountability – the team need to understand the goals of the delivery and then hold each other accountable.
  6. Measuring success – the team need to understand how their performance will be measured and how their respective inputs align with the overall delivery success.
  7. Celebrate success – recognition and success are key motivating factors for your team. It cannot be underestimated the major benefits of team morale in simply recognizing key success milestones and as a team celebrating.
  8. Tools and transparency – collaboration and document management tools are essential for your team’s ability to communicate and share key information throughout the delivery. Setting these up early in the delivery cycle and then validating that they are effectively being used is a critical aspect not to be underestimated.

In closing, project and program leaders play a critical role in how accountability drives quality solutions.  Understanding your corporate culture and how you can lead your teams through solution delivery by reinforcing accountability through the solution delivery will lead to successful delivery solutions and help drive your company closer to a culture of accountability.

What do you mean have fun?

In previous articles I have ended with the statement to remember to have fun. We have all been on projects that have required excessive hours and were extremely stressful as we moved through delivery. While it is important to keep the team focused on delivery it is equally important to find ways to step away and as a team take time to have fun.

My thoughts on this have evolved as I have gained more leadership experience. Early in my career I had a valuable mentor that consistently reminded me of the need for the team to engage in team building activities, and this advice has continued to be invaluable as I have built engaged teams.

In this article I will provide some examples of different team building and team fun activities that have been successful in my experience. You need to understand the culture of your organization and the different personalities on the team to determine which activities will work to achieve positive results.

Recognition and Team Morale Lifters
Some of your projects will have unique names that you are able to leverage. I was responsible for delivery of a solution to develop an internally built application that supported a wide range of internal lines of business. We used the opportunity to name the application by holding a competition where we encouraged all the project stakeholders to submit entries to name the application. The winner was going to receive a small prize along with the recognition of being the person who named the application. The entries we received ranged from very creative to quite humorous. We engaged our internal brand team to be the judge for the winning entry. Once the winning entry was determined I had the name and logo added to t-shirts and gave these to the core project team. This provided an opportunity for all the project stakeholders to engage in a fun activity and the t-shirts allowed the core team to wear our new gear on stage gate events to promote the project.

On this same project we used a fun competition during the user acceptance testing (UAT) phase in order to find system defects or “bugs”. One of the team members created a fun animation that announced the game. Each week throughout UAT the person who identified the most bugs received a gift card. This resulted in a very high number of defects being identified prior to production which as we all know is the best result for overall acceptance.

Another project had a unique name that included the word “Star” as part of the project name. I ordered very inexpensive star shaped tchotchkes that I stapled pieces of paper that contained words and phrases of encouragement. At one of the stage gate lessons learned activities I handed out these tchotchkes with some fanfare. I still have a star tchotchke on my desk ten years later!

Internal or External Activities
One of our PMO team members was a recognized professional artist. She invited a group of us to her home one weekend and encouraged us to bring acrylic paint materials. She gave us loose instructions on what materials might be helpful to create certain types of results. During the day the biggest takeaway I had was how much we all encouraged each other. We built a camaraderie that we took back to the office that was lasting.

Other types of team events include going to shops to paint pottery, create mosaics, and going to a cooking school to cook meals together. We also would take an afternoon and go to lunch and a movie or miniature golf. These were inexpensive activities and were a lot of fun. There were the occasional nights of dinner, bowling, or arcade game venues that included appetizers and refreshments. Some of these activities brought out healthy competition amongst the team which was an added benefit.

On a more current project I was in a city that held Paint Night events which is where you sign up and they supply the painting materials and instructions on how to approach painting the picture. This provided many fun conversations post the event on how different we all interpreted our instructions!

Team Building Activities
I use team meetings as an opportunity to engage in team building activities. Recently I needed to build out a large project team to support a business transformation program. Since I was new to the team, and each week we had new team members join, I used our team meeting as the way to get to know each other. I started out by doing activities like “tell us three things about you” to actual full on team building games. Each week I would ask for a volunteer to come up with the next week’s game. We would spend the first part of the hour working through team updates. We would spend the second half of the meeting engaged in the game. A few examples of the type of games the team came up with included Pictionary like games, guess the bird sound, build a spaghetti tower, and musical chairs spin-offs to name a few. One of the games resulted in the team meeting at a nearby park to play volleyball and those that did not want to play were very noisy spectators! I heard on numerous occasions from different team members that all week they looked forward to the Friday team meetings.

In summary, it is vital to your team health to remember to step away, have fun, and build lasting relationships. There are many different ways to achieve this but the key is to consciously take the time!

Lessons on Right-Sizing Project Management

In my previous article “Progress Your Project with Processes” I discussed the need to incorporate processes in your project management solution delivery. In this article I would like to delve in to the need to right-size your processes for your project delivery.

Most stakeholders feel that your project management processes are too heavy regardless of how much effort is expended in right-sizing them. I have heard this assertion on at least one occasion from an outside consultant, however when project execution was underway it was determined that the processes in place helped ensure that the delivery team understood the complexity of the effort and were empowered to deliver on their respective activities.

The main reason for this empowerment is because there was effective planning and communication at the beginning of the delivery and as a leader I was able to articulate the direction we as a team were embarking on. Stakeholder analysis up front and continued assessment are also key factors.

The complexity of your project needs to be considered along with the delivery methodology you intend to utilize. The more complex your project the more you need to rely on formal project management techniques.

I have found that there are three essential steps in determining how to right-size your project processes.

  1. Identify your delivery needs
  2. Select the tools to be used for delivery
  3. Adjust as you go

1.  Identify your delivery needs
When identifying your delivery needs it is important to first decide on the software development life cycle (SDLC) methodology your project will be utilizing. The methodology in and of itself is not the key, but rather assessing the specific approach you will be taking and subsequently determining the impact of the methodology on your stakeholders are the keys. If your team is new to a specific methodology, then steps need to be taken up front to take them on the learning journey while continually communicating expectations throughout the delivery cycles. You may also find when reviewing your SDLC that adjustments need to be made to the methodology to better clarify the tools and techniques that will foster solid delivery. Some questions you need to think about should center around; is there an effective communication plan, is change management understood, how will the team be empowered to report activities, risks and issues, and how will lessons learned be gathered throughout to support reassessment.

2. Select the tools to be used for delivery
Selection of the tools may be driven by what is available within your company. I have found there are three main tool areas that need to be accounted for. These three areas relate to content management, development management, and test management. Content management would be the tool used for gathering and maintaining project specific documentation. As an example, you may find that it is easier to use a simple tool for managing actions, risks, issues, and decisions such as an Excel workbook, or in a more complex delivery you may want to track these items utilizing a formal content management tool and workflow. This is an area that should be right-sized based on the complexity of your project. If you are delivering using an Agile methodology you will want a development management tool that will support your product backlog grooming and the velocity tracking of your team such as Jira, Version One, or Rally. If you have a separate tool for managing test planning and execution it is important to guide your team through which tool will be used for communication management. For instance, defects may be captured in the test tool but communication with the development team may be captured in the development management tool.

3. Adjust as you go
Retrospectives and lessons learned activities are not only important for how your team works together, but also relevant for what processes need to be modified as you progress through your delivery efforts. If managing through a waterfall or iterative waterfall SDLC, at a minimum you will want to hold a formal lessons learned at each phase gate. If managing utilizing an Agile SDLC, you should ask your team to think about processes when completing their retrospective activities and support any suggestions they may have to update processes accordingly.

In summary, it is important to assess up front the appropriate project management processes that will be used to deliver the solution. In doing so you need to account for the complexity of the project and the communication mechanisms that are required. The tools you choose should support the activities to empower your project team to be self-organizing and you need to adjust as you progress through project delivery. Remember as always to have fun!

5Ws & 2Hs for Planning Project Kick-off Meetings

Typically after a project manager is assigned to a project it is customary to hold a project kick-off meeting. When planning for a kick-off meeting it is essential that the project manager approach the planning as a must do activity needed to support the successful delivery of the solution. When approaching your kick-off planning you should be thinking about how to “right-size” the kick-off relative to the size of the project that you have been assigned. While you do not want to diminish the excitement that you hope to generate, you need to ensure that the length of the meeting is appropriate to the size of effort.

There are some key attributes that are essential for a project manager to be successful, and these attributes will need to be leveraged to plan and execute the kick-off. These key attributes include but are not limited to being an effective leader as well as having the ability to communicate effectively. You will also want to make sure that you approach the kick-off striving to achieve the tone you will be setting for your project, so do not underestimate the need to have fun and to keep the meeting upbeat.

I harken back to when I was in school and learned the 5 Ws and 2 Hs, so here are the areas I consider when preparing for my kick-off meeting:

  1. Vision (why)
  2. Success Criteria (how much)
  3. Scope (what)
    1. Dependencies & Constraints
    2. Assumptions
    3. Risks & Issues
    4. Communication Plan
  4. Stakeholder Analysis/Assignments (who)
  5. Schedule (when)
  6. Methodology (how)
  7. Logistics (where)

Based on the size of the project you will need to decide which of these areas require more focus or planning, but I would highly recommend that each of these are touched on and reviewed with your team. These are not in any priority order, but more of a logical listing based on my previous experience.

  1. Vision (why)
    Provide the business sponsor’s view of the desired outcomes to be produced for the business after successfully completing the project. The description should reflect what the business will be like to inspire the project team at kick-off. You could include some of the benefits used at project initiation to drive the business case development.
  2. Success Criteria (how much)
    It is important to start your project team thinking about success criteria at the beginning of the project. The easy definition of success criteria would be the standards that the project will be judged at delivery to decide whether or not it has been successful in the eyes of the stakeholders. The business sponsor should have defined the project success criteria when building the business case and these criteria should be the drivers for acceptance criteria for your requirements and overall solution delivery guideposts throughout the lifecycle of the project.
  3. Scope (what)
    Providing the boundaries of the project including what will and will not be part of the delivery effort is important at this stage. This information will be used as guidelines for making decisions about change management in future stages of the project.

    1. Dependencies & Constraints
      You may not understand all your project dependencies at this point, but at a minimum you will understand if there are other project or programs that you are dependent on, and if you have any constraints (limits) that need to be highlighted for your team.
    2. Assumptions
      As assumptions are identified, each must be viewed with an appropriate degree of skepticism. I set a tone up front that we need to limit our assumptions and that assumptions should not be wishful thinking. I can pontificate here on how assumptions have turned out to be extremely costly for my projects in the past, but I will save that for another article.
    3. Risks & Issues
      When presenting your risks to the project team make sure and include the risk management strategy you plan to incorporate for each risk. The team should be encouraged to actively identify risks and risk mitigation steps throughout the project lifecycle as this should not be a project manager only responsibility. If risk management is effective then issue management becomes easier.
    4. Communication Plan
      Having a communication plan in place is an essential component for good project management. Depending on the size of the project your plan could be a simple table reflecting the type and timing for meetings, status reports, and other communication mediums, or a document clearly articulating all aspects of a formal communication plan.
  4. Stakeholder Analysis/Assignments (who)
    Identifying the individuals or groups that are likely to affect or be affected by the project, and understanding them according to their impact is an essential step in kick-off planning. Being able to articulate to the team how each stakeholder will be impacted and if they are a part of the project team what their specific role will be is critical.
  5. Schedule (when)
    The schedule at this point would be a very high level of milestones, activities, and deliverables that were identified to build the business case and leverages the internal SDLC framework. It is important to help the team understand that you will be working with the team to help build out a more detailed delivery schedule moving forward.
  6. Methodology (how)
    Your team needs to understand what methodology the delivery will follow. Any stage gates that are important and what those gates mean as a team. You may find that additional training may be required for team members if they are new to the project methodology you will be using.
  7. Logistics (where)
    Your team should understand where the main project activities will be located, and if you have remote project team members they will need to understand what mechanism will be used to connect.

In summary, it is important to take sufficient time to plan for and then hold a project kick-off meeting. The kick-off should be “right-sized” based on your project size. You will be required to use key project leadership and communication skills to ensure that you set the right tone up front with your project team. Remember to have fun!

Apply Care for Program Success

As my current program moves into another sprint retrospective tomorrow I have been reflecting on some of the learnings I have been able to successfully incorporate in my day to day approach to the program and project management areas during the full solution delivery process. While there is not a one size fits all nor a magic bullet on what it takes to successfully deliver IT solutions there are some key theme areas that should be reconsidered periodically. This is not an all-inclusive list, and these are not in any priority order.

Building Real Accountability – Do the program team members exhibit behaviors that highlight ownership and engagement? One of the easiest ways to ascertain this is when you see people step forward after a mistake is made, own it, learn from it, and we can move on. Once your team feel safe that it is ok to be wrong they tend to be more apt to try new and innovative ideas.

Resolving Pernicious Problems – Are problem areas being raised to the right level and are they being resolved timely? If you have fostered an environment on your program where every stakeholder has a mechanism to report and support risk and issue management this becomes a continuous activity. The project management team should not have all the onus to document and manage risks and issues. By providing the tools and the expectation that this is part of the day to day team activity you will see more transparency in the internal workings on the program.

Creating Effective Plans – Has enough attention been paid to the planning processes? There is an art to planning a program. Identifying the work that needs to be completed, and supporting the internal processes that are built to ensure quality deliveries are sometimes elusive. The tendency is gloss over the importance of stakeholder analysis, activity dependency identification, and resource capacity planning. If these are not done well and continuously managed you could find yourself with a perpetual end date.

Reflecting Upon Leadership – Have you spent enough time thinking about your role as a leader and how you are affecting the outcomes? Each of us have our own leadership style. There are a multitude of factors that need to be considered based on our own comfort zones and the environment/culture we are leading in. For instance, you do not want to over use an authoritative style in a highly collaborative culture. Make sure and take the time to understand your own style and how that style can be leveraged in the corporate and team cultures you are delivering in.

Yenning Informed Thinking – Do enough team members consider the big picture, or is the big picture thinking happening at the top? Not everyone has the ability or experience to think both strategically as well as tactically. To ensure that the strategic thinking does not only come from the top you should work to identify key team members that have this ability and encourage them to participate in the overall planning efforts. Tactical thinking is made easier by process management.

Recognizing Beneficial Celebration – Are you taking the time to appreciate successes and celebrate key milestone achievements? We spend a great deal of our time at work, and most people have a need to be shown that this time away from their family and friends is worth more than a paycheck. It is important to recognize individuals for their successes. It is equally important to understand how your team members like to be recognized. You do not want to publically recognize an individual if they would prefer to be recognized privately. It is also very important to stop and celebrate key milestone achievements. This is an opportunity for the team to step away from the grind of the day to day and recognize each other for the commitment to the continued success of the program.

Supporting Avuncular Behavior – Do you have mentoring behavior on the team? It is important as you build your team to recognize where more experienced professionals could support more junior team members. Either by establishing a formal mentoring relationship or pairing key program activities up to support the transfer of knowledge and experience. It is not always easy to identify individuals that are willing to impart their wisdom with others, but once you find those that are willing and effective your program and project team will reap the benefits.

Evangelizing Solid Resources – Are there key tools in place to support content management, planning and execution, and defect management? You will want to make sure at the beginning of the program that you take the time to identify what tool will be used for what purpose. Once this is done you will want to ensure that all the team members are educated during the kick-off and subsequent on-boarding activities about what each of these tools represent and are used for. This will cut down on the amount of noise created by missing or misunderstood information.

Cultivating Sound Environment – Does the team culture align with the corporate guiding principles? Each organization comes with a defined culture and with that culture are focused leadership competencies and behaviors. It is important to take stalk and recognize what these are and ensure that you are consistently leading by example. If you are hearing the statement “this is the way we do things around here” you will want to spend time to understand at the core what is driving these statements and what you can do as a leader to either foster or dissuade the behavior.

In conclusion, there are a multitude of areas to ponder when you approach solution delivery and these are just a few that I have found helpful in achieving my program delivery successes. Many of these come through the hard knocks of the project management profession, so I would encourage you to APPLY CARE!